We deliver our partners work ready, diverse talent from communities across the UK. This fuels a company’s competitive advantage as inclusive teams produce better returns. Different types of thinking mean new perspectives, fresh ideas and better results.
Our programmes are built and delivered in collaboration with our partners and engage existing employees in change making. It connects those in the industry with those traditionally held outside of it, in a positive, pan industry wide movement of actions (not words).
Gartner Analysis shows 3 out of 4 employees expect their employer to take a view on societal and political debates. Employee engagement can drop by a third if employees are disappointed by an employer's political or social stance.
We know you have busy day jobs - we’ve made change-making our job so you and your colleagues can choose when to be involved and at what time commitment - it’s entirely up to you. We also have multiple ways you can collaborate so whether your colleagues wish to visit local schools, mentor young adults or even contribute their expertise to our operational team we’ve got a way to engage.